Free Antivirus and Anti Malware

Free AntiVirus protection and Free office software are legally and legitimately available online for home users , links below to some of the best available……..

Anti Virus :: Free options for 2015

Some helpful links

Anti virus software is vital for any business using the internet for email etc… .

Free antivirus software for personal use .
AVG provide AntiVirus software and utilities for PC’s.   Download free version
Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware is a high performance anti-malware application that thoroughly removes even the most advanced malware and spyware.   Download free version .
Open Office is a free (open source) replacement for Microsoft Office. It includes the ability to read and write Word documents , Excel spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations.

Crucial Memory (RAM)
RAM or memory is the one upgrade which can make the most visable difference to the speed of your PC . Here is where you will get the correct RAM for your PC.

XL Computers
XL Computers build PCs to your specification and upgrade PCs aswell as selling hardware and software. They are based in Galway . 091 770078 .

Lapteck specialise in sourcing and supplying an extensive range of laptops and laptop parts across all brands including Dell, IBM, Toshiba, Compaq, HP, and Sony. With up to 500 machines available at any one time, we won’t be beaten on price.

.net magazine.
WWW and email related magazine , perfect for the beginner and professional alike.
Answers to any question you might like to ask , not just about computers.